How you know Hoogen went away. So now I am the head admin of ET, and [aF]M!n!|ET get leader too. Now you have to listen him too.
VERY IMPORTANT !!!!!!!! When we have training listen to the leader !!! Do what he tell or go away, if you can't come so tell it eariler to M!n! or to Jizzy. On maps we have to have: - 2 Engi - 1/2 Medic - 1 Field ops - 1 Covert ops And all have to cover Engi and the Covert when he has camuflage. All have to go together, so don't run and don't be a big hero, all have to be close to yourself so look for rest. When one die another have to revive him, don't run away. Wait for rest in Spawn. Thanks , Jizzy (CoBRa).